The Soundstream Human Reign "HR4" is a rare 4-channel amplifier manufactured in the early 2000's. There are two releases of the amp - first gen did not have the "limited edition" badge and were built in the USA using a Korean made board. The second gen did have the LE badge, slightly different silk screening and built solely overseas in higher quantities of each model. Soundstream wanted the Human Reign to stand out so they contracted artist William Boddy to design the look. The original intent was to produce the amp with the bronze cast top, which would have cost and weighed a lot so Soundstream opted to produce the Human Reign with a resin cast top. There is speculation that the tops of the Human Reign amplifier may have been cast aluminum however it is not confirmed. The second release of the Human Reign was reported to be manufactured after the sell out/buy off to Epsilon Electronics Inc in 2003.

"You now own the Soundstream Human Reign amplifier, the product of an uncompromising design and engineering philosophy. Your Soundstream Human Reign amplifier will outperform any other amplifier in the world."

With LE badge